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  • Fight Scene of the Week! Barry

    Fight Scene of the Week! Barry

    WARNING! These scenes contain violence and adult content. View at your own risk!

    This is, in my opinion, the most realistic fight scene ever filmed. It's not from an action movie, or a martial arts super star. It's from HBO's Barry, starring Bill Hader. Leave it to a comedian to do the job right. And the awesome choreography? Of course it's from a Krav Maga guy. Old-school Krav Maga Worldwide instructor, Wade Allen! He clearly understands how to bring elements of realism. The sloppy technique, heavy breathing, being tired like 10 seconds in to the fight, slamming in to walls and other objects, Ronny knocking himself out giving a headbutt, all just perfect! It also contains plenty of ....

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  • Fight Scene of the Week! Taboo

    Fight Scene of the Week! Taboo

    WARNING! These scenes contain violence and adult content. View at your own risk.
    The last scene I posted with Tom Hardy he got his ass kicked, so I've got to balance it out a little. There might not be a lot of action and flash here, but what it lacks in those areas it makes up for with pure bad-assery and brutality. I feel like this series wasn't as popular as it should have been, so If you haven't seen it then I highly recommend it. Enjoy! ....

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  • Fight Scene of the Week! The Man from Nowhere

    Fight Scene of the Week! The Man from Nowhere

    Warning! These scenes contain violence and adult content. View at your own risk.
    If you're into South Korean revenge movies in the vein of Old Boy, then you should check out The Man from Nowhere. Quick synopsis: Guy with gender neutral haircut kicks the shit out of bad guys. The fight/action scenes are really well done and aren't overly martial artsy. There are a lot of great scenes in the movie, and maybe I'll post them in the future, but I picked this one because, well, you can't go wrong with a bathroom fight scene. Enjoy! ....

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  • Fight Scene of the Week! The Matrix

    Fight Scene of the Week! The Matrix

    WARNING! These scenes contain violence and adult content. View at your own risk.
    Before there was John Wick, there was the FAR superior Neo. That's right. I said it. John Wick is great and all, but Neo is where it's at. While John was playing with guns, Neo was completely dodging bullets, that's next level shit. There were great scenes through out the series, but this is where Neo first gets his fighting abilities so it's extra special. Enjoy! ....

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  • Fight Scene of the Week! Ray Donovan

    Fight Scene of the Week! Ray Donovan

    WARNING! These scenes contain violence and adult content. View at your own risk.
    Ray Donovan is probably one of my favorite series o all time, and it's got a ton of great scenes, but how could I not choose the one with Ray fighting an Israeli spy? It's a short scene with no frills, but it's simplicity is what makes it awesome. And I always love when the hero (or anti-hero) takes a bit of a beating. Enjoy! ....

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  • Fight Scene of the Week! Final Score

    Fight Scene of the Week! Final Score

    WARNING! These scenes contain violence and adult content. View at your own risk.
    Here's an other one by request. David Bautista beating up a Russian assassin in an elevator? Doesn't get much more American than that! It's a very well done scene, and I'm a sucker for fights in elevators or tight spaces. There is one thing that really bugs me in this scene though, and the first person to guess what it is wins a FREE Apex shirt! Enjoy! ....

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  • Fight Scene of the Week! The Raid

    Fight Scene of the Week! The Raid

    WARNING! These scenes contain adult content and extreme violence. View at your own risk.

    Probably some of the best martial arts choreography of the last 10-15 years. Pretty much non-stop action from start to finish, so if you're one for a plot then this probably isn't the movie for you. While most people think this is a Kung Fu movie, the main art is pencak silat, an Indonesian martial arts that has some obvious similarities to Kung Fu. See if you can count how many throat punches and kicks to the knee there are :) Enjoy! ....

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  • Fight Scene of the Week! Eastern Promises

    Fight Scene of the Week! Eastern Promises

    WARNING! These scenes contain adult content, nudity, and extreme violence. View at your own risk.

    Full-frontal, male nudity warning! One of the most intense and realistic fight scenes ever made, in my opinion. It's super raw and visceral. No dramatic music and no fancy choreography, just pure brutality. If you haven't seen it, then don't say I didn't warn you. It's definitely a little uncomfortable to watch, especially for the guys! I guess there's not much more to say about it other than "YIKES!" Enjoy! (?) ....

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  • Fight Scene of the Week! Punisher Season 2 (Gym Fight)

    Fight Scene of the Week! Punisher Season 2 (Gym Fight)

    WARNING! These scenes contain violence and adult content. View at your own risk.

    And after a short hiatus, we're back! Another scene from Punisher. Shocker! Although technically the first scene was from Daredevil sooooo....I win. I still love that prison scene, but they really upped the ante in season 2 of Punisher. So many good fight scenes in there, but this one in the gym is my favorite. Great choreography, once again, and an awesome guest appearance by former UFC fighter Keith "The Dean of Mean" Jardine. My favorite thing about the Punisher is that no matter how many times he gets smashed in the face by a giant UFC fighter, a week later he just has some black eyes and a fat lip. ....

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  • Fight Scene of the Week! Fist of Fury

    Fight Scene of the Week! Fist of Fury

    WARNING! These scenes contain violence and adult content. View at your own risk.
    Bruce is back! Even though I have a hatred for Bruce Lee quotes, he's still my biggest martial arts influence and this blog won't be complete without every single one of his fight scenes. I've heard some people argue that this is his best fight scene. I don't know why. It's pretty awful. Down-right ridiculous even. The choreography is pretty shit, even for 1972, BUT it's a classic "dojo storm" scene and "My kung fu is better than your karate" always makes for a great story. There are also some great haircuts in there. My personal favorite is Guy Who Gets His Ass Kicked #3, thats an epic 'do. And if you watch ....

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